ClassBright Evaluate includes three data-collection tools. Data from these tools are automatically and immediately accessible to the Teacher themselves upon saving the Porfolio item. Accurate alignment of data to the performance criteria will ultimately inform the Evaluation.

Benefits of adding alignments as soon as evidence is collected:

  • Allows reflection on practice in a timeframe where the event is still fresh
  • Gives teacher immediate feedback on their performance within the evaluation tool rather than just simply a piece of data
  • When it’s time to fill in the Evaluation, the evidence is already there - you don’t have to go looking for it or spend time trying to reinterpret or remember what you were thinking when you collected the data.

A Teacher can be assigned one or more Observers who can collect performance data into that Teacher’s Portfolio. Typically, only one of those Observers will also serve as the Teacher’s Evaluator.

ClassBright Evaluate’s data-collection tools include:

  • Snippets: Used to add a quick note and/or photo, short video, or other file to a Teacher’s Porfolio and align it to one or more performance criteria “on the fly”

  • Walkthroughs: One or more forms created at the district-level; each form item is pre-aligned to performance criteria

  • Formal Observations: Include Pre-Conference Notes, Post-Conference Notes, and individual Notes collected during the formal observation session. Each saved observation Note can be aligned to one or more performance criteria.

On your dashboard, a list of your assigned Teachers to observe are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Step 1: Click the Teacher’s name for whom you want to add a Portfolio item. Initially, no Portfolio items will be listed.

Step 2: Click the green +Add Portfolio Item button. This will reveal a pull-down menu that lists each of the data-collection methods you can pick from, along with being able to create an Evaluation.

Step 3: From the list, click to choose which method you want to use. See each tool’s inidividual Help page for further details on using those.